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The day penicillin was discovered – level 3
28-09-1928Alexander Fleming was a Scottish microbiologist. He wanted to discover a...
The day Ötzi was found – level 3
19-09-1991In the warm autumn afternoon of 1991, two German tourists, Helmut...
The day the first journey around the world ended – level 1
06-09-1522Ferdinand Magellan is from Portugal. He works for Spain. He is...
The day the first journey around the world ended – level 2
06-09-1522Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer. He was a leader of...
The day the first journey around the world ended – level 3
06-09-1522Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer. He led a Spanish expedition...
The day the Klondike Gold Rush started – level 1
16-08-1896It is 1896. People are looking for gold around the Klondike...
The day the Klondike Gold Rush started – level 2
16-08-1896In 1896, hundreds of people were looking for gold around the...
The day the Klondike Gold Rush started – level 3
16-08-1896In 1896, hundreds of people were looking for gold around the...
The day a signal came from space – level 1
15-08-1977It is August 15, 1977. An American astronomer looks at the...
The day of the Great Train Robbery – level 1
08-08-1963It is August 8, 1963. A train goes from Glasgow to...