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The day Nelson Mandela became president – level 1


Nelson Mandela is born in South Africa in 1918. White people...

The day Nelson Mandela became president – level 2


Nelson Mandela was born in times when the white people lived...

The day Nelson Mandela became president – level 3


Nelson Mandela was born in times when the whites lived in...

The day Martin Luther King was killed – level 2


In 1865, slavery ended in the United States, but 90 years...

The day Martin Luther King was killed – level 1


In 1955, the situation isn’t good for black people in the...

The day the US stopped fighting in Vietnam – level 3


Vietnam was divided into North Vietnam and South Vietnam since the...

The day of the biggest protest against the Vietnam War – level 1


1969 isn’t a good year for the USA. Coffins with dead...

The day of the biggest protest against the Vietnam War – level 2


1969 wasn’t a good year for the USA. Coffins with soldiers’...

The day of the biggest protest against the Vietnam War – level 3


1969 wasn’t a good year for the USA. Coffins with soldiers’...

The day the Iran hostage crises started – level 1


In 1979, there is a revolution in Iran. The Shah loses...