Search Result For miner

The day Chilean miners were rescued – level 1


On August 5, an accident happens in a mine in Chile....

The day Chilean miners were rescued – level 2


On August 5, 33 Chilean miners became trapped underground after an...

The day Chilean miners were rescued – level 3


On August 5, 33 Chilean miners became trapped 670 meters underground...

The day jeans were patented – level 1


Levi Strauss is from Germany. He comes to the United States...

The day jeans were patented – level 2


Levi Strauss was a German immigrant who came to the United...

The day jeans were patented – level 3


Levi Strauss was a German immigrant who came to the United...

The day the fog began to kill – level 1


It is the beginning of December 1952. There is a Christmas...

The day the fog began to kill – level 2


It’s the beginning of December 1952. There is a Christmas atmosphere...

The day the fog began to kill – level 3


It’s the beginning of December 1952, and there is a Christmas...

The day Ötzi was found – level 3


In the warm autumn afternoon of 1991, two German tourists, Helmut...