Search Result For wire

The day of the first US presidential election – level 1


It is December 15, 1788. It is time when the election...

The day of the first US presidential election – level 2


The first US presidential election started on December 15, 1788. It...

The day the Berlin Wall fell – level 1


It is August 13, 1961. East German police put wire between...

The day the Berlin Wall fell – level 2


On August 13, 1961, East German police start to put wire...

The day the Berlin Wall fell – level 3


On August 13, 1961, East German police start to install barbed...

The day the first public TV started – level 3


It is 1936 and a big competition is culminating in Britain....

The day the light bulb was invented – level 3


The first experiments with electric light were carried out in the...

The day Chilean miners were rescued – level 3


On August 5, 33 Chilean miners became trapped 670 meters underground...

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