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The day the Roswell UFO incident was published – level 3


One morning in July 1947, William Brazel who worked on the...

The day of the United States Declaration of Independence – level 3


The United States Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4,...

The day of the first solo balloon flight around the world – level 3


On January 8, 1996, Steve Fossett took off from South Dakota...

The day of the first nonstop flight across the Atlantic – level 2


In 1919, a New York businessman announced a competition. He promised...

The day of the first nonstop flight across the Atlantic – level 3


In 1919, businessman Raymond Orteig announced a competition. He promised to...

The day the Eiffel Tower opened – level 3


When a competition for the dominant structure of the world exhibition...

The day HIV was discovered – level 3


In 1981, five men from Los Angeles were reported to have...

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 1


In 1990, scientists begin a special project. They want to map...

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 2


In 1990, scientists began a project with the goal of mapping...

The day the human DNA was mapped – level 3


In 1990, scientists started a project with the goal of mapping...