Search Result For set out

The day the South Pole was reached – level 3


Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen and British explorer Robert Falcon Scott long...

The day of the Battle of Waterloo – level 3


In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte became the emperor in France. He was...

The day Mathias Rust landed in Moscow – level 3


In the 1980s, the world was still divided into the East...

The day the mutiny on Bounty started – level 3


In December 1787, the British ship Bounty left England and sailed...

The day Terry Fox started the Marathon of Hope – level 3


Canadian Terry Fox had been a passionate athlete since his childhood....

The day Gandhi went on the Salt March – level 3


The Salt March was a nonviolent civil disobedience campaign led by...

The day Caesar crossed the Rubicon – level 3

10-01-49 BC

Rome had already been a republic for over 400 years, covering...

The day of the miracle in the Andes – level 3


On October 13, 1972, a team of Uruguayan university rugby players,...

The day of the Norway attacks – level 3


Anders Breivik was a 32-year-old Norwegian who hated Muslims. The number...

The day the first human stepped on the Moon – level 3


In the 1960s, the Soviet Union and the US were rivals...