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The day Louis XVI was executed – level 3
21-01-1793In the eighteenth century, France was a country of two very...
The day Pablo Escobar was killed – level 3
02-12-1993Pablo Escobar was born in Colombia. His criminal career started early...
The day of the most mysterious hijacking – level 2
24-11-1971On November 24, 1971, a man in a dark suit and...
The day of the most mysterious hijacking – level 3
24-11-1971On November 24, 1971, a man in a dark suit, tie,...
The day of the biggest protest against the Vietnam War – level 3
15-11-19691969 wasn’t a good year for the USA. Coffins with soldiers’...
The day the Iran hostage crises started – level 3
04-11-1979In 1979, a revolution culminates in Iran, ending the Shah’s rule...
The day the first animal orbited the Earth – level 3
03-11-1957In October 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first satellite into...
The day the Cuban Missile Crisis started – level 3
16-10-1962In 1962, humanity is on the brink of nuclear war for...
The day when the chess Match of the Century began – level 3
11-07-1972The 1972 World Chess Championship was a match between challenger Bobby...
The day Israeli people in Uganda were freed – level 3
04-07-1976On June 27, 1976, a plane flew from Athens to Paris....