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The day Russia sold Alaska to the United States – level 1


Russians come to Alaska in 1741. They are interested in fur...

The day Russia sold Alaska to the United States – level 2


Russians arrived in Alaska in 1741. The Russians were interested mainly...

The day Russia sold Alaska to the United States – level 3


Russians arrived in Alaska in 1741. They established the first permanent...

The day the history of New York began – level 2


Before the first European came to the area of today’s New...

The day the history of New York began – level 3


Before the first European set foot in the area of today’s...

The day the Nuremberg trials started – level 3


World War II was far from over, and the Allies were...

The day the first animal orbited the Earth – level 2


In October 1957, the Soviet Union sent the first satellite into...

The day the first animal orbited the Earth – level 3


In October 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first satellite into...

The day of the first woman in space – level 3


In 1963, the Soviets decided to show the world once again...

The day Winston Churchill became the prime minister – level 2


Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on May...